Kamla Institute

The Kamla Institute is a UK based think-tank exploring new thinking for renewal, reconnection and the restoration of hope for the poorest.

Our strapline encapsulates the impact of our work:

For a just world

Cycle of poverty  

Millions of the poorest today were not born into poverty, they have become poor within their lifetimes. Poverty has an essentially vigorous and fluid element to it. Many people fall into poverty (becoming the future poor), even as others (formerly poor), move out of poverty. 

For those experiencing poverty, every day is a battle to keep afloat that never allows them to get ahead or envision a better future.

Living in poverty means a life of malnutrition, poor hygiene, deplorable conditions and preventable diseases going untreated, which is further exacerbated by systematic inequalities throughout wider society.

Exposure and vulnerability to risk and the inability to cope, plunges people further into poverty and leaves children falling behind in school or failing to attend altogether, conditions that can steal away their childhood and future. Consequently, negative early experiences impact a person’s ability to grow and develop, leaving them trapped in a cycle of poverty.

The Issue

Today’s economic models have failed the world. Unjust systems have concentrated power in the hands of a few, at the expense of the many. Entrenched systems such as patriarchy, racism, sexism and caste, sustain the multiple and interlinked forms of inequality that are the root causes of poverty and injustice. Those who live on the margins of society are the ones who suffer most as a result. 

Ending inequality and poverty is possible. Doing so is a conscious choice.

About us

Our belief 

Our Mission 

Our Values

  • All people should be given the opportunity to realise their full potential.
  • We are impatient for change, but careful in our actions.
  • We believe in engagement beyond government – All over the world, problems are being solved by individuals, communities, charities and wider civil society.
  • The independence of our thinking, as much as it’s rigour and creativity, is what makes us influential.
  • We use our power to state the unsaid and make space for others.
  • We do not take institutional positions on policy issues and owe no allegiance to any government or political body.
  • We nurture a culture of continuous learning and reflection.
  • We bring diverse voices to the table, to find common ground to shared problems.

Our Approach

We strive to be a catalyst for change, working towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society where everyone has access to essential resources, opportunities, and social well-being. We do this by leveraging the expertise and insight gained through dialogue, research and the convening of top experts, innovators and influencers from different backgrounds and competing viewpoints to construct programs and policy initiatives to;

– Close the equity gap
– Use data to drive change

Building a deeper understanding of poverty

The Kamla Institute aims to build on this knowledge and learning, establishing a platform of leading thinkers and diverse stakeholders in a unique manner that sets agendas, bridges divides and provides room to explore ideas.

In disseminating our work, we aim to reach the widest possible audience, actively engaging with individuals from across the spectrum; business, politics, academia and wider civil society. All policy recommendations stemming from our work will be grounded in and shaped by the evidence we uncover and designed to influence wider thinking.      

Kamla Institute - lady making food