Kamla Foundation helps the poorest in India begin their journey out of poverty. Providing a platform to live with dignity, free from stigma and isolation – enabling acceptance back into wider society.
Our strapline encapsulates the impact of our work:
Changing Minds – Changing Lives

Kamla Foundation helps vulnerable communities in India, develop their capacity to meet basic needs and create solutions to poverty and injustice.
Kamla Institute is a UK based think-tank exploring new thinking for renewal, reconnection and the restoration of hope for the poorest.

We have supported…
of the poorest journey to a better life
villagers gain access to clean drinking water
cleft lip operations
homeless people to gain secure shelter
women’s groups
What we do…
We work in India expanding opportunities for the most vulnerable. Providing the:
Success for the Foundation is guided by its ability to innovate, influence and in the end generate maximum impact.

Our founder, Bhupendra Mistry