Past Events

Marple Hall School Fundraiser 2019 /20
Maia and Dylan attend Marple Hall Secondary School (in Stockport U.K). Kamla Foundation was selected by the school, as their charity of choice for the academic year 2019/20. The school leadership team (consisting of the Deputy Head, Senior Teachers, Head Boy, Girl and Year Prefects) were asked to drive the fundraiser programme. Maia and Dylan…

Adrian’s Himalaya Trek – 2019
In October 2019, Adrian Roebuck, a long standing supporter embarked on another iconic trek, to raise funds for Kamla Foundation. Back in 2015, Adrian scaled the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and raised over £1,000 for the Foundation! For this trek, Adrian went deep into the foothills of central Himalaya and ascended to 4,463 metres to the source of…

Dizy and Dave – September 2017
Dave and Dizy have been long term supporters of the Foundation. Over recent years, they have marked significant milestones in their lives by hosting charitable fundraisers for the Foundation. This is Dizy’s Yoga Group, all wearing the Foundation t-shirts. Through the many Fundraisers they have hosted, they have raised over £5,000 for the Foundation…a tremendous gesture!

Great Wall of China Trek – September 2017
About time I stepped up to the plate! Celebrating hitting the half-century and a decade of the Foundation, my childhood friend Nilesh and I wanted to mark these special milestones by trekking along the Great Wall of China. An awesome, jaw-dropping experience and one that we both will cherish forever. We also managed to raise…

Rotary Club of Stockport
Through the collective efforts by members of the Rotary Club, they raised £2,500 for our work in India. They continue to support the Foundation as their chosen international charity.

Charity Garba and Dandiya Evening – July 2017
Once again Alka Mistry took up the challenge of hosting a Gujarati folk dance (Garba and Dandiya – stick dancing) event. Alka’s family hosted and cooked and sold wonderful Gujarati treats which contributed to the final sum raised. Fantastic music by a live band and dancing by all who attended, contributed to a great night…
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